“Mad Max” – Road Rage captured on TeslaCam
A lot of Tesla vehicles now have Teslacam enabled. It gives dashcam functionality to the cars using their front-facing camera, and so now drivers can now record 10-minute clips.
Video description:
Knew it is going to happen sooner than later, Mad Max setting is already causing road rage haha :). Driving down the highway at around 25-30mph in heavy traffic while on Navigate on AP in Mad Max when a motorcyclist in a sport bike didn’t like me signaling and changing lane in his way of speeding and lane splitting. He decided to lane split really extremely close to my vehicle while flipping me off and cursing at me that I didn’t signal long enough? In no moment in time did he almost get hit. I saw him and AP saw him before making a safe lane change. I feel it’s his ego thinking that he is invisible and people should respect him because he has a cool sport bike. So I decided to not let him waste any more of my time and tried to avoid him speeding up but he continued to harass me and attempted to brake check / or try to cause me to hit him and hide his license plate so prob up to no good not knowing I already had it in earlier clips and I have other aftermarket dash-cam, but he probably came to his senses that it’s a 3 tons vehicle vs human flesh and took off with a last birdy for good measure. Subject description (white male, in his 20’s, ~5’11’, medium built ~180lb), CHP and local PD has his license plate and face image and is looking to talk to him soon. Stay safe out there and avoid engaging in any road rage despite being in MAD MAX!
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