Hellas Rally 2021

Hellas Rally Raid – Day 6: Exploring Dorida

Last Updated: June 19, 2024By Tags: ,

Day 6 held more pleasant surprises for the Hellas Rally Raid participants, as they raced across 300km of Dorida’s most exciting trails putting their vehicles through their paces. With the beautiful sunny weather as their ally, this was probably one of the most enjoyable stages of the week.

After 6 days of competition and having become familiar with the local terrain, Castan Jose was the fastest amongst the SSV Class. In the MOTO & Quad Class, Minaudier Loic and Varga Juraj are leading their groups respectively picking up the pace as we’re approaching the last leg of the race.

Hellas Rally 2021

Photo Credits: Actiongraphers & Hellas Rally 2021

Everyone is eager to stand on the starting point of the last racing day in order to go flat out until the finish line. Stay with us to find out who comes out on top on the 2021 Hellas Rally Raid, as on Sunday the participants will be asked to complete the final 112km of the race.

Full Results: HERE

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