VW says that Audi software can produce incorrect emissions results

Last Updated: November 30, 2016By Tags: , , ,

Audi’s main company Volkswagen acknowledges that some of its models use software to detect when cars are sustaining emissions tests and tune their carbon-dioxide (CO2) output, the German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung said.

“Adaptive shift programs can lead to incorrect and non-reproducible results,” VW told the paper, following several reports that the California Air Resources Board (CARB) discovered software that can vary emissions output.

Particularly, the software should perform by detecting the steering wheel’s angle. If the wheel stays straight, the software activates a special automatic shifting program that makes quicker shifts and reduces oxides of nitrogen and CO2 emissions.

Sueddeutsche Zeitung reports that VW also said they contacted the German Transport Authority (KBA)

Sueddeutsche Zeitung reports that VW also said they contacted the German Transport Authority (KBA). KBA demanded before that it has no knowledge of the matter, and explained the how this software works.
Software that varies transmission shifting behavior is legal, on its own. This is what sport and eco modes in vehicles do. The software’s capability to expose emissions-testing conditions shows a so-called defeat device under U.S. law is the problem. One which the EPA has not invaded to answer just yet.

VW and Audi also have to accomplish an official statement on the matter in the U.S. The producer don’t want to comment on reports demanding. Producer demands some of U.S.-market models have software that detects emissions-testing conditions and can gear to lower CO2 output under those conditions. Also, VW isn’t pointing out to Sueddeutsche Zeitung which models could possibly have this software.

The producer do not want to comment on a class-action suit filed by the law firm Hagens Berman last week, . He declares that at least six U.S. models use emissions test-detecting software.

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