(VIDEO) Volvo suddenly crashes into parked BMW “minding its own business”
A white Volvo car cruising along Tiong Poh Road crashed into a stationary BMW on Feb. 18.
Footage of the incident was uploaded to SG Road Vigilante.
Based on dashcam footage from the vehicle behind the Volvo, the latter veered to the left on a single lane one-way road, and did not correct its path.
The car eventually collided into a parked black BMW SUV. Both cars jerk, and part of the Volvo’s bumper comes off in the crash.
The driver recovers quickly and reverses the car diagonally across the street.
Woman exits vehicle
When the Volvo stops, and the passenger car door is pushed open with much effort as the front of the car starts to smoke.
A woman stumbles out of the door and walks out of frame, marking the end of the short video.
Many theories on the situation
Viewers have pointed out the strange circumstances of the crash as the driver was not speeding, but was simply not alert in preventing the accident.
However, despite this, the driver managed to react immediately in reversing the car.
On the other hand, others theorised that the driver could have had a medical condition, although the passenger’s behaviour seems to suggest otherwise, online speculators added.
Another group thought that the driver might have been facing a distraction, such as his mobile phone.
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