
Uber opens up international contest

Last Updated: June 19, 2024By Tags: , , , ,

Is the traffic in your city bad enough that you would pay to be flown via some kind of oversize drone across town? If so, Uber is looking for a city just like yours to launch demo rides in its UberAIR service about two years from now, and regular passenger service in 2023. Dallas and Los Angeles are two of the first launch cities. 

UberAIR will operate electric “air taxis” from a network of specialized heliports within large metropolitan areas offering the convenience of booking a trip via a smartphone app . One of the few differences, will be that UberAIR will only operate from specially prepared launch pads.What kind of a city is UberAIR looking for? The list of candidate criteria is not that long.

“Ideal cities are polycentric, with multiple dense nodes of development in an urban area, and face significant traffic congestion. A large and dispersed city layout means that uberAIR will be able to offer significant time-saving benefits at speeds of 150-200 miles per hour.”

There are plenty of candidate cities

New York City is, with Dubai, being placed on the back burner. Uber is looking for another city with vast distances and surface traffic problems to showcase its UberAIR services. A large airport also helps, as do public transportation hubs. Nice environmental conditions sounds like cities frozen under feet of snow for months may not be good candidates.

“Cities should have stable environmental conditions that are well suited for aviation operations. Also a lack of extreme weather, temperature, and elevation. We’ve now formalized a process to submit an Expression of Interest. Cities can engage with us directly and articulate their views on how uberAIR can positively impact their market,” Uber says.


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