
Musk: The new Tesla Model 3 is on the way and it’s cheaper

Tesla CEO, Ilon Mask, announced the beginning of sale of the most popular Tesla model. What is suprising is that the new Model 3 will be “cheaper and better”.

On his Twitter account, Musk said that the sale of the Model 3 began, which costs $ 35,000, with the federal subsides.

Lower cost, mid-range Tesla Model 3

On the Tesla website  says the base price of $ 45,000, which does not include benefits and subsidies, which in California – reduce the cost of purchasing electric cars. So, for the Model 3 in Cali reduce of the costs is about $ 10,000.

Currently, the cheapest Model 3 has a projected autonomy of driving up to 260 miles (418 km), with fully charged batteries.

Purchasing of regular the Model 3 doens’t go down, besides it keep growing so. Words from Tesla: “They are so happy becasue now they can offer many versions and model of their product.”

There is a new offer with battery package – mid range, for SAD and Canada buyers.

Musk in 2016. said that the cheapest version of Model 3 will coast $ 35,000 with no benefits and subsidies.

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