How Tesla Autopilot works – see in the video

Last Updated: November 30, 2018By Tags: , ,

What exactly is Tesla’s Autopilot system “see”

This is not the first time we’ve seen and shared what Tesla Autopilot cameras “see.” However, this newest video takes it to another level, with interpretations of how the technology is processing and digesting the data it receives. Additionally, the creator of this video includes some clever assumptions about the system, which help to make it easier to understand the visuals. – thanks to video maker and Ievs.

Color of the circle represents the type: green – moving, yellow – stopped, orange – stationary, red unknown.

Size of the circle represents the distance to the object (NOT THE SIZE OF THE OBJECT). If my assumptions are correct you should imagine that the circle has about 1.5~2m diameter in 3D space in place of the object (but it does not get smaller than 100 pixels).

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