
Hit sales in U.S Tesla Model S & X in Decembar

End of the year and these results are, ofc – high, as expected.

It’s the end of the quarter time, which means the Tesla push was in full force and the result is sales of the Model S and X at well over 7,300 combined in the U.S.

Checking in with a combined sales total of 7,350 units, both the Tesla Model S and Model X impress us with U.S. sales volume for December.

The model-by-model breakdown for the month of December is as follows: – according to Insideevs.com

  • Tesla Model S – 3,250 units sold
  • Tesla Model X – 4,100 units sold

December marks a massive combined improvement, chech the stats of the last month:


  • Tesla Model S – 2,750 units
  • Tesla Model X  – 3,200 units

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