Here are Top 5 selling Plug-In Electric cars in US for September

Insideevs try to make a bit different list of top selling plug in Evs.

For this list, they focused on the Top 5 best-selling plug-in electric cars in the U.S. for September 2018.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 …!

5. Chevrolet Volt

Chevrolet Volt

Chevrolet Volt/Car and Driver

Chevy Volt sales checked in at 2,129 units in the U.S. in September 2018. That brings the Volt’s YTD total to 13,243 units, placing it in 5th overall for YTD sales too.

4. Toyota Prius Prime


Culver City Toyota

For September 2018, Toyota Prius Prime sales checked in at a healthy 2,213 units. YTD sales for the Prius Prime now stand at 20,523 units, good for second place.

3. Tesla Model S


Tesla model S/

Model S sales hit an estimated 3,750 units in September 2018, putting it in third place for the month. The YTD tally stands at an estimated 18,395 units, which places it in third in YTD sales.

Two more

2.  Tesla Model X

 Tesla Model X

Tesla Model X/Youtube printscr

The Model X sold an estimated 3,975 units in the U.S. in September 2018, landing it solidly in second place for the month. YTD, Model X sales stand at an estimated 17,575 units, which places it in 4th from the YTD perspective.

I can bet that you already knew who is at first place!

1.Tesla Model 3


Tesla Model 3/Photo credit:Inside EVs

The Model 3 had another breakout month in September 2018 by selling 22,250 units. The Model 3 had a commanding sales lead over every other plug-in vehicle in September. Even more impressive is that the Model 3 is easily number 1 in YTD figures too at 78,132 units, which puts it so far in the lead that it can’t be caught.

(Tesla, Insideevs, Carnews)

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