9 years old girl suggest marketing plan to Tesla CEO – he approved it

Last Updated: March 11, 2017By Tags: ,

Carrying father took the letter that his 9 years old doughtier wrote and have sent it to the CEO of one of the most important Silicone Valleys company. CEO responded and, what is most interesting he approved her suggestions.  Sounds like the SF movie plot, but that actually happened today.

Bria, who is nine-years-old wrote a letter about “homemade commercials” as part of a school project. Her father Steven, posted the letter on Twitter where Tasla CEO is permanently active.”Elon, my daughter wrote you a letter for a school project. She mailed it to Tesla, but I figured I’d paste here. Thank you!” wrote Bria’s father.

Bria wrote really serious letter to Elon

’’Dear Elon Musk,

I’m Bria from Ms. Esparza’s 5‘h grade class. I’m writing you because I would like to make a suggestion for your company. Also, i think your idea is very smart and friendly to the environment!

I have noticed that you do not advertise, but many people make homemade commercials for Tesla and some of them are very good, they look professional and they are entertaining. So, i think that you should run a competition on who can make the best homemade Tesla commercial and the winners will get their commercial aired. The cool part is that you still won’t be taking the time and money to advertise for yourself. Plus, this is something your fans and customers will definitely love. You could give the winners a year of free Supercharging or a Model 3 Easter Egg or something.

My dad is an auto writer for InsideEVs.com and US. News & World Report. He has shown me all about Tesla and solar energy and everything. We watched a bunch of the awesome fan-made commercials, and we even went and sat in the Model X at Somerset Mall in Troy, Michigan.

Also, your idea for these Tesla cars is the best thing I’ve ever seen. i hope that when I’m older I can drive a Tesla. It’s so sad that they cannot be sold in Michigan. It’s such a hassle to have to drive to a different state to get a car! i plan to be a politician when I grow up, and i will make sure that the government protects the environment, and Teslas can be bought anywhere.

My dad is going to send you this letter on Twitter too, so it will be easier for you to respond. Hopefully, I will hear back from you so i can share it with my teacher and my class.

Thank you in advance!

Your ”Green” Fan,


P.S. it would be so cool if you could hook me up with a Tesla t-shirt!’’

Since Tesla Motors is running idiosyncratic marketing strategy, which includes no advertising and no chief marketing officer, and Musk is passionate social media user, and he noticed the copy of Bria’s letter on Twitter he respectively replied to her father.

“Thank you for the lovely letter. That sounds like a great idea. We’ll do it!” tweeted Musk

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